No. 202

OSB Logo The Old St Beghian
  January 2023


North East Branch Dinner – Wed 2nd Nov 2022, Northumberland GC, Newcastle.

Attendees - D.H. Williams* (FN 61-64)(Chairman), D.F. Lord (SH 60-65)(OSB Treasurer), W.E. Dove* (FN 57-60)(Secretary N.E. Branch), R. Silk (Headmaster), Dr Carter Croft (FN 60-65)(OSB President), Mrs P.J. Rumney (OSB Secretary), Mrs F.E. Lord (Retired Staff), F.O. Messenger (SH 50-55), J.M. Southern (FN 55-59), G.C. Robson* (FN 57-64), J.M. McBryde (FN 58-61), R. Lockwood (FS 59-64), A.O. Burn (G 62-65), N.W. Adams (FN 68-71), M.P. Windle (FS 68-71), D.G.W. Reid (FN 75-78) and Mrs R.V. Lewis (nee Larkin) (L 77-79).  * Past Presidents of the St Beghian Society.
Branch - NE Dinner Report - Golf Club Flag
The N.E. Branch Dinner was held at the popular, plush Northumberland Golf Club at Gosforth on Wednesday November 2nd.
On arrival members and guests congregated in the Club’s Lounge Bar. In the Dining Room, the Chairman, Don Williams, welcomed everyone returning again after two years without having NE Branch Dinners. For the first time it was good to see Society President, Carter Croft, Headmaster Robin Silk, and Richard Lockwood (FS 1959- 64). Regular guests included the Society Secretary, Mrs Pam Rumney, David Lord, Society Treasurer, and Mrs Fiona Lord, retired school staff member.

On a sad note, Chairman, Don Williams, read a list of North East OSBs who have died since our last dinner in 2019. This was followed by a minute’s silence in their memory:
Sir Peter Graham (SH 1947-52); John Pearcy (SH 1953-58); James Bullock (FN 1944-48); Peter Hutchinson (SH 1940-42); Oswald Leach (G 1949-50); Michael Ferry (FN 1952-57); Norman Rutherford (FN 1952-57); Neville Wanless (G 1945-47) and Malcolm Dix (FN 1955-58).

This was the 48th N. E. Branch Dinner for our Secretary, Bill Dove, an achievement for which he was lauded and applauded by all present. Before the meal Chairman Don offered the traditional School Grace.

Everyone enjoyed a very tasty three course menu followed by coffee. For a ‘first’ for us there was the Loyal Toast to ‘The King’, and then a break. Before the speeches the Chairman proposed a toast to ‘The School’.

Headmaster, Robin Silk, replied by giving an encouraging and upbeat report on activities at the school and in particular the plans to develop new accommodation for increasing pupil numbers. Importantly, The Headmaster outlined an appeal to raise funds for a school library complex and performing arts centre. Everyone was impressed with his presence and talk and we wish him every success with all of his challenging work for the school.
The Chairman then made a toast to ‘The St Beghian Society’. The reply was given by Society President, Carter Croft, who rose to explain his plans for his term in office. Carter also asked George Robson to give his impression about the most enjoyable days in St Bees last June when he attended Founders’ Day and OSB Day. George said he had already submitted an article about this for this edition of the 2023 Bulletin. Carter’s words, aspirations and hopes for the Society were well received by all present.

Branch - NE Dinner Report - President & George Robson
Before the evening came to a close there was a special presentation. On behalf of George Robson and through his personal benevolence, Chairman, Don Williams, presented the Headmaster with a framed 1583 sixpenny piece, the year of which coincides with the founding date of St Bees School. George explained the interesting history and features of the coin and kindly asked The Headmaster to ensure his gift was displayed in a suitable place at the school.

The formal part of the evening was concluded and everyone adjourned to the Lounge Bar. Convivial reminiscing continued well into the evening until the last of the members and guests departed on their return journeys.

For the future, we have arranged with The Northumberland Golf Club to hold our Annual North East Branch Reunion as a Lunch event. The first of these will be on Wednesday November 8th 2023. This follows a survey that we conducted with the help of Pam Rumney from the OSB Office. This change will make it easier to attend for those travelling any distance, particularly at night. We look forward to seeing and welcoming members and guests at that time.

To view photos from the evening, please click here.




The St Beghian Society    
St Bees School,    St Bees,    Cumbria,    CA27 0DS

Tel: (01946) 828093     
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